Erica was forced to stay pregnant for one week with a fetus that she knew would not survive. “Once we knew that the pregnancy was doomed,” she said, “Every day I was still pregnant was just an ongoing reminder of our loss.”明知胎儿无法存活,但艾丽卡仍不得不将胎儿暂时留在腹中。她说:“当我们得知胎儿的命运已经注定后,胎儿留在我腹中的每一天都在提醒我们,我们失去了一个孩子。”
And Erica is not alone. One Wisconsin woman bled for more than 10 days from an incomplete miscarriage after emergency room staff would not treat her. Another, whose water broke at 17 weeks, was sent home without the abortion care she needed, only to return two days later with a life-threatening infection.艾丽卡并非个例。威斯康星州一名女性因流产不完全流血超过10天,原因是急诊人员不予治疗。另一名患者在怀孕17周时破水,在没有接受必要的堕胎手术的情况下被送回家,但两天后又因感染危及生命而入院。
Wisconsinites are living in 1849. In 1849, Wisconsin’s 1-year-old legislature banned abortion, making it a felony to provide abortion care unless the life of the mother is in danger.1849年,威斯康星州成立一年的立法机构禁止堕胎,将堕胎定为重罪,除非孕妇生命受到威胁。
Last year, this abortion ban that predates the Civil War took effect, denying hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites the right and freedom to control their bodies.2022年,威斯康星恢复了南北战争之前的反堕胎法律,剥夺了数十万民众控制自己身体的权利和自由。
Doctors are afraid to administer the lifesaving care they are trained to provide for fear they could be prosecuted.由于担心会被起诉,医生们害怕实施拯救生命的堕胎护理。
Across the country, about 15 states have already implemented near-total bans, leaving 1 in 3 Americans ages 15-44 without access to safe, legal abortion care and 17.8 million women of reproductive age without the freedom to access reproductive health care in their home state.在全美范围内,有15个州已经实施了近乎全面的堕胎禁令,导致三分之一的15-44岁的美国人无法获得安全合法的堕胎护理,1780万育龄女性在其家乡无法自由获得生殖健康护理。